To win at search you have to go where the fish are

That magical “first page of Google” is good only if it’s for keywords that have a lot of searches and are relevant to your business. Here’s how to understand what that means and how you can pick your shots.



Good afternoon this is Michael Byrd again with WordWrightWeb in Wilmington North Carolina and I’m doing a second video on a particular aspect of the Google search and website design and so on. Just to give you some education about how this stuff works so you can be more successful.

We talked the last time about the take away assignment was to do a common-sense search and look for what it is that you do in this case, the case that I used was home inspector. And you can see what comes up on the on the first page of Google for that particular search term. Now I want to expand that and talk about the list of words that make sense for you in your business because it isn’t just the one search and it isn’t just the one page of Google. Although the first page is the page that you care about, but what we want to do is to be successful in the first page or the top 10 search result for lots of words. Not of not an endless string of words but a limited set of search terms which is what I like to use sometimes, we call them keywords but they’re really more than one word. So it would be home inspections, home inspectors etc, and so I’ve got this screen queued up here and that’s a beautiful skiing scene. Which is hopefully where I’ll be in in eight months or so, to show you just to give you conceptually an idea of what the keyword list means.

I like to start out with small things because of all of what we do and all of what is relevant to you regarding search and websites is understandable, just like any endeavor playing music, flying an airplane, you break down into the pieces you understand it conceptually and then you can use software to speed up repetitive tasks. But it’s important to understand it conceptually, so started out with one word home inspection, home inspectors that’s something like that. What we really want to do is develop a list of words, a keyword list or a search term list now you can do this with common sense words and I’ll jump ahead to the end – your assignment for today is going to be to go and write down a list of ten to fifteen words that might relate to your business. And these are important and we put these words together in various common combinations. The other thing we, well did we do two things using some software. Using statistics that Google already has available, if you know where to look, and those are the search terms that are not common sense. And I learned one a couple days ago, “plumbers near me” which is a term I would never search for. I would search for plumbers but I would never say near me apparently that has a lot of search value. So we are looking for the keywords the search terms that have lots of volume, this just means that these are the ones that people type in most of the time when they’re looking for what you do and this changes. But I want to talk about the common sense of way of doing this without software so you can do a sort of a do-it-yourself keywords analysis later.

Conceptually the idea though is that there are many words there are many combination of words that people might type in. But most of the time, most of the searches are going to be in a set of words and the search volume is available. That’s where we want to focus our efforts, we want you to get good search results for those terms where the fish are so to speak. So I’m going to jump ahead again to go and write down some of the some of the terms – oh let me just show – you here is the example, got it up on the screen. Some of the terms for your particular search and you don’t have to be able to read that I’m just going to read it to you but I want to just get the idea, there’s a list that we create. In that left column A) if you’re familiar with spreadsheets is search volume and we rank them according to search volume. So we can concentrate the first one is plumber, the second one is plumbers near me, the third one is electric water heater. Okay I might type that but I might not, I might not have thought that is a high volume search that means there’s money in that search. Wow fourth term in the list is gas leak. I would not have thought that I would need some data to show you that and so on. So we have this list and then what we do is just like you would do in your single common sensor search you would do the search you’ve put it into a Google search window and then you would see where your website comes up. Are you on page one are you on page seven, you can probably guess you don’t pay seven that’s not great. So go write a list of search terms and just to get your brain going and then we will see you at the next video thanks again Michael Byrd WordWright Web.


Updated: 10/25/2023

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