Now this is how you handle a pandemic!
If you wonder how a doctor’s office operates in these Covid-19 times, look no further than Wilmington Internal Medicine, one of our customers.
(They’re my doctor also, and have been for a long time. From what I understand from talking with others, they’re one of the few remaining practices where you can get an appointment on short notice, not wait forever in the lobby, and get more than 6 minutes with your doctor. But I digress).
Wilmington Internal Medicine quickly established their routine of seeing “well patients” in the mornings, going through a thorough sanitation at mid-day, and seeing “sick patients” in the afternoon. The mid-day disinfecting routine involves a germicide that “is taking the paint off of everything,” said Wendy Young, the Practice Manager.
This was the early signage, in March. You remember March, 2020, right? We’ve been at this a while now.
And clearly, from their signage, the rules are strict. “If you don’t have an appointment, we don’t want you walking in here,” Wendy said. “You can go back to your car and call the desk.” When I went by to pick up some paperwork (I had called ahead), I got a chuckle out of these notices. “Do Not Come In! Turn around, go to your car, and call for further direction.”
And this is the signage today. Slicker, more concise, just as urgent. I’m not sure which I like better, but the message is clear: Don’t you dare walk in this building without calling first!
They are serious! I was also impressed and comforted. There is hand sanitizer everywhere, and, of course, glass panels. As you can see from their procedures, potentially contagious patients use a separate entrance to the building, wear masks, and are quarantined from the rest of the building.
The pandemic is a challenge and a test for all of us. For those in the health care business, it is even more risky and challenging. Much greater care and precautions have to be taken. Fortunately for all of us, they are experts and are up to the test.
— Michael Byrd
Updated: 10/25/2023
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