Michael Byrd

Michael Byrd brings years of experience and a few odd twists to the WordwrightWeb team. Having begun his productive life at age 20, after a frat party cost him a weekend in jail, he returned to his high-school ways of good scholarship and actually declared a major. Journalism proved useful, taking the notorious Mr. Byrd from being a headline in The West Georgian to becoming its award-winning editor in just two short years.

After college, a run through several newspapers brought Michael to the Charlotte Observer, the bastion of southeastern U.S. reporting in its day. It also brought some revelations and an end to his daily newspaper career. With the beach beckoning, Michael and landed on the shores of Wilmington. He became editor of Encore Magazine before getting himself fired just a year later.

It was at Encore that the desktop publishing revolution began, with Michael blazing his own trail for the good of free journalism. His tools were two Mac Pluses, an Apple Laserwriter, a waxer and the same layout tables and Xacto knives used since hot type went cold. Out of this came a business idea: Create resumes using a Macintosh. Michael’s firing jump-started the launch of Wordwright Publishing. First resumes. Then typesetting. Then The Beat Magazine. Then Wordwright Communications and brochures for everyone. Then WordwrightWeb.

When he isn’t going on and on incessantly about the good old days, and what he used to do, and how he once pitched 5 innings of two-hit baseball in Little League, our fearless president stays fit by running, swimming, biking, weight training and soccer. The running is sporadic also at present, because elite-level performances can take their toll on even the finest physical specimens. Mid-pack athletes with average abilities also become injured, as Michael has learned. Three years of trying to qualify for the Boston Marathon can wear out more than just a dozen pairs of running shoes. That, and that fact that his wife, Sheryl, is a way better athlete. There is no keeping up, but there is much admiration.

When not scurrying about vainly seeking glory, Michael fashions himself an amateur theologian and philosopher. He has written several books of his own, though not actually bothering with the trifles of typing the words out. Favorite thinkers include Stephen Covey, John Templeton, Emmet Fox and Darin Huford. Michael’s current fascination is trying to listen to every episode, past and current, of The Mental Illness Happy Hour, a podcast by Paul Gilmartin. No one who knows Mr. Byrd finds this surprising…



Updated: 10/30/2023

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